Sponsor a battlebot!

Would you like to connect your brand to one of the most recognized combat robots of all time? Tombstone is a fan favorite, creating some of the most exciting matches in the history of the sport! And as a previous BattleBots champion, Tombstone is virtually guaranteed significant on air exposure, which creates opportunity!


On robot display!

Sponsor logos are displayed prominently during the introductions to every match, on the robot throughout the match, and in the pits for any pre/post fight interviews. We are currently seeking partnerships for the upcoming BattleBots season, and we would love to discuss the details with you. You can email me directly, or check out our media package for further details.

Media Package

contact us!

We love the fans of this sport! You are the most engaged fans out there, and the reason we all continue to be a part of this. If you have comments, suggestions, or just want to say hi, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact Us